New York City, New York | Series


STUCK! the Series

1 Campaigns | New York, United States

Green Light

This campaign raised $33,600 for production. Follow the filmmaker to receive future updates on this project.

129 supporters | followers

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STUCK! is the comedic tale of three lady friends who strive for success and the stars. By supporting this project you’re supporting lady creator comediennes and are an advocate for female friendships on screen. #GiveaStuck

About The Project

  • The Story
  • Wishlist
  • Updates
  • The Team
  • Community

Mission Statement

Yes, Stuck! was created and written by women (Girl Power!) but our Stuck! team includes men and women, Gen X (millennials) and Gen Y, immigrants and those born in the US, and ethnically diverse talents - all working together to make the magic happen.

The Story

STUCK! is a character-driven comedy web series that

aspires to be a half-hour sitcom on tv or a streaming platform.

By funding this project, you are contributing to

the production of the pilot we'll use to submit to festivals.


We are official! --> - STUCK! Website - 


We all have dreams. We all have goals. We’ve all felt stuck. STUCK! shows you just how fun the journey can be on that long ass trek to success. It’s a universal story that all can relate to.


As aspiring actresses in New York, there are two big things we’ve struggled with (ok, there’s a lot more but here are two): 1) The pity from friends and family about how hard the business is, how hard it is to even get an audition, how depressing it is with all the rejection, etc 2) Fitting into a character that has already been written and working toward other filmmakers’ visions. So, we decided to turn that negativity upside down and empowered ourselves to create our own damn work - a show that showcases the ridiculousness and hilarity of pursuing the arts, rather than the disappointment.


We have gathered a talented, diverse team to bring our brilliant sh*tstorm to life. Won't you join us?!

WHAT happens when a fierce Harvard-educated bombshell, an obnoxiously happy childrens-party princess, and a dead-inside, F-the-world outcast, walk into an audition? Though they don't succeed at the casting call where they first meet, they succeed in life and become best friends. Our three leading ladies bond over being stuck on their journeys of wanting to become successful in … dare we say it… acting. But don’t worry... This show is less about the deal signings and fancy movie sets and more about the hilarity and fun that ensues on the journey to the stars. It’s “The Three Stooges” meets “The Golden Girls”... mixed with dreams that keep on dreaming.




LARISSA LEWFORD [female, 18-25]

Looks like a Jersey reality star, but in reality, is a Harvard-educated techie. Has anger management issues and is awkward around men. Must be comfortable in bikinis, lingerie, and skimpy/tight clothing. MUST be over 18, but under 25. Actress MUST be hot, tan and in shape. Must be able to solve Rubik's cube and have stage combat experience. Martial arts a plus. LEAD


ERIN AARONS [female, 28 going on 68]

Looks like a young mom. Treats everyone like she is a young mom and they are her precious children. Spontaneously breaks out into song and flutters around like a fairytale character. Must be comfortable in flats, headbands, and princess costumes. Actress should be young but possess the spirit of an old person. Singing experience a must. Tap, jazz, and ballet a plus. LEAD


CLAIRE KANES [female, 17-92]

Claire is MTV’s Daria incarnate. Studied at Juilliard but would rather chill with her improv troupe than make real art. An outcast. Viewer often wonders why she's doing what she's doing. Must be comfortable in clothes that make no sense, such as clashing patterns and Canadian tuxedoes. Any body type. Improv experience a must but you can be bad at it. LEAD



Help us bring these characters to life


Click on "The Team" tab to get to know more about us, 

and see some great behind the scenes images! 


Use the WishList to Pledge cash and Loan items - or - Make a pledge by selecting an Incentive directly.


Costs $2,400

Meals for 5 shoot dates, to keep our cast and crew healthy & focused!

Crew Members

Costs $12,000

A talented team with professional resumes. We're so luck they want to work with us!


Costs $1,400

In case we break shit.

Post Production

Costs $14,000

DP & Director fees + post-production.


Costs $1,400

First aid kit, tables,hard drives and other crap we'll need... because we forgot.

Cash Pledge

Costs $0


Costs $6,000

Arri Alexa mini camera, lights, and lots and lots of sandbags...


Costs $500

A beach, a theater, a backyard, oh my!


Costs $2,000

Vans, cars, tolls, and gas... (toot toot!)

Wardrobe, Props & Art

Costs $1,000

Beach balls, princess gowns, and cats! ... to name a few.

Hair & Makeup

Costs $1,300

These ladies will help our characters come to life. We'd be lost without them.

About This Team




Current Team


