Alberta and the Possum

Miami Beach, Florida | Film Short

Drama, Comedy

Federica Arevalo

1 Campaigns | New York, United States

17 days :14 hrs :09 mins

Until Deadline

211 supporters | followers

Enter the amount you would like to pledge



Goal: $30,000 for production

A dramedy short film about how a wandering opossum heals a jaded girl./ Un cortometraje de drama-comedia sobre cómo una zarigüeya errante sana a una chica desilusionada.

About The Project

  • The Story
  • Wishlist
  • Updates
  • The Team
  • Community

Mission Statement

Opossums, are VERY misunderstood for what they are As Alberta makes a journey in to a botanical garden, she slowly builds profound connection. / Las zarigüeyas son muy incomprendidas por lo que son. Mientras Alberta recorre un jardín botánico, va construyendo una conexión profunda.

The Story



Use the WishList to Pledge cash and Loan items - or - Make a pledge by selecting an Incentive directly.

Location - Botanical Garden

Costs $9,000

This is the heart and the glue of the film, a lavish green Botanical Garden is essential to our story.

Opposum Puppet

Costs $2,000

We are absolutely respectful of our animal friends and we will NOT exploit any of them. So we do need an opossum puppet for specific shots.


Costs $10,000

Gear and equipment is essential!

Catering &n Crafty

Costs $1,000

Food is ESSENTIAL to part of any production, happy nurtured people make good films

Cast & Crew

Costs $7,000

Even if it's a lower rate, hard work should always be retributed.

Festival submissions

Costs $1,000

We want to show the finished product everywhere! Submissions cost money.

Cash Pledge

Costs $0

About This Team


We have a team of mostly hispanic women, 2/3 Venezuelan from different walks of life.

Current Team


