Movement for Peace: Frequency of Love

DeLand, Florida | Film Feature

Documentary, Global Celebration

Jill Jordan

1 Campaigns | Florida, United States

Green Light

This campaign raised $4,784 for production. Follow the filmmaker to receive future updates on this project.

34 supporters | followers

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Determined to unite humanity, a team of women follow synchronicities leading them to reenact an ancient Templar pilgrimage on a cosmic alignment over 7 cathedrals in Europe. Using quantum physics, intuition, research & expert interviews they unravel messages of the past, Mother Earth & the Cosmos.

About The Project

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Mission Statement

Our international movement for peace film project reveals the hidden Templar mission discovered by our research. Their mission acknowledges the fraternity of mankind, regardless of religious belief, race, gender, or creed. This message is reflected in the beliefs and make-up of our crew.

The Story

Movement for Peace: Frequency of love is not just a documentary, it is part of something much bigger.

It all started with 2 friends and a dream. Ever since they were little girls, Shannon and Jill both wanted to save the world. Though we didn't meet until we were middle-aged, empty-nesters following our own separate dreams, it was a year later we discovered we both had the same dream as little girls and still do today.

By following our dreams and a series of divine synchronicities, we have gathered experts to help tell our story.

Here are a few of the confirmed experts we are interviewing for our film. There are more below.

Lynne McTaggart is an award-winning journalist and the author of seven books, including her forthcoming book, The Power of Eight, and the worldwide bestsellers The Field, The Intention Experiment and The Bond. She has been referred over the years as a ‘metaphysical rock star’, ‘the Madonna of the Quantum World,’ ‘the Malcolm Gladwell of the New Science’ and even ‘The Dalai Mama.’ 



Freddy Silva                                                                                   

Best-selling author and a leading researcher of ancient civilizations, restricted history Templars, & sacred sites and their interaction with consciousness.


With Shannon's research, education and knowledge about ancient sites, the Knights Templar, spirituality and psychology and Jill's background, education and understanding of frequency, sound healing, spirituality, life coaching, and film production, we started Movement for Peace in 2017. Traveling and bringing people together in local and global events, documenting and sharing with videos along the way.

With strong determination and passionate love for humanity, this project continued to unfold. Through synchronicity, we met Flo, a quantum physicist who shared the same dream. Flo not only brings another component to the project in physics but also much love and joy for humanity. She actually radiates joy! And together, we radiate love. For each other, all beings and our world.

Planning our next event, we decided to follow a prophesied cosmic alignment over 7 sacred sites in Europe. With people gathering around the world remotely for our 3rd annual global event, our team will conduct prayer and ceremony at each site along the ancient pilgrimage of the Knights Templar.  Starting at Santiago de Compostela in Spain, honoring the Feast day of Mary Magdalene in Toulouse, making 4 other stops in France we will finish at Rosslyn Chapel in Scotland. Millions have followed this pilgrimage for over 900 years seeking the path to knowledge and enlightenment.   In 2017, there were over 270,000 pilgrims registered.


Each site is located on the earth where resonant currents of energy emanate. These sites have been used for centuries by ancient Celts and Druids. Each location had a planet and a chakra (energy center in the human body) assigned to it by the ancients.

Ancient Druid site

We've discovered links from ancient history and modern physics.  Disseminating this information now could help create a shift for our world. This documentary has the potential to reach the most people.

We introduce unique ancient wisdom and new information about frequencies emanating from the planet; how those frequencies affect us, how we can amplify those frequencies and why this could potentially protect the future of Mother Earth and the Human race.

This film is made by strong, spiritual women who connected with men of the same qualities who want to make a positive difference in the world.

As Above, So Below

*photos from website

The pilgrimage was inspired by Tim Wallace-Murphy, scholar and best-selling author, with an international reputation, whose research was used for the Da Vinci Code and helped determine a date when the planets and the cathedrals would align. The date is July 28, 2019. We predict the alignment will amplify the standing wave of energy on that date. This is the first time the alignment has occurred since the cathedrals were built, over 900years ago. Shannon, Jill, and Flo's team will be at Rosslyn Chapel on the day of the alignment.


          Rory Duff                                       Earth Sound Frequency diagram

Rory Duff, leading Geo-biologist, author and researcher, stumbled upon cathedrals while measuring the sounds of the planet.  In his research, he found there are sound frequencies produced by Earth that run in grid-like patterns. At intersections where multiple harmonic sounds come together, he identified sacred sites & cathedrals built by Knights Templar. Inside a little-known chapel, Montsaunés, he discovered Templar art which he believes is secret coded messages depicting frequencies. Rory is working to reveal information which will help heal the planet. 


Watch the adventure as we travel over two thousand miles through 5 countries visiting sacred sites, culminating with the prophesied cosmic alignment.  We’ve learned to trust synchronicities and seek the wisdom of the ancients, tuning into frequency, utilizing sound, and trusting the unfolding nature of reality and our divine role in the process.

Thought, energy, and frequency are the building blocks of reality in our world and in our lives. Understanding the effects of our own energy is the most powerful tool we can master.

Using what we've learned to teach others about frequency and connection, our film offers tools for personal transformation which can quite possibly shift collective humanity and help heal our Earth.

A Global Opportunity


Shift for Humanity

When we come together with intentional action for peace, we connect humanity. 

Shannon, Jill and Flo travel across the world for ceremonial prayer, meditation and using sound to start a shift that could change humanity and help save our planet.


Use the WishList to Pledge cash and Loan items - or - Make a pledge by selecting an Incentive directly.

Canon EOS 5D

Costs $2,799

For shooting footage in Europe & interviews there. This also has capabilities & extra gear included.

Zoom H5 Four-Track Portable Recorder

Costs $279

Sound is very important for this project, especially on location. This will help.

Lynne McTaggart

Costs $700

Travel to Lynne and room rental for shooting interview.

Cash Pledge

Costs $0

Expert Interviews

Costs $1,000

Travel expenses for Freddy Silva, confirmed expert.

About This Team

Our team came together through a series of divine interventions and synchronicities. Jill Jordan is a Sound Therapist, Author, Life Coach and Mother with a degree in film and video production. L. Shannon Andersen, LMHC is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor specializing in trauma and grief. She is an Author, Researcher, Spiritual Retreat Facilitator, Mother and Grandmother who has also worked in production in her earlier career. Flo Maríe is a Quantum Physicist, Professor and Mother currently living in South Africa running a Lodge and Spa on the edge of the Kruger Wildlife Preserve.


How this documentary was inspired

Knowing the alignment of July 28, 2019 for many years, Shannon expressed her desire to be in Europe on that day and visit the sacred sites connected to the alignment. Jill and Flo were instantly in agreement.

How We Met

Jill had heard of Shannon Andersen and her book, The Magdalene Awakening:  Symbol and Synchronicity Heralding the Re-emergence of the Divine Feminine.  She wanted to meet her. As life would have it that opportunity very quickly presented itself when Shannon was asked to speak at a women’s group Jill was a member.  They instantly connected and would soon begin their journey to help the world. 


They co-founded the Movement for Peace.  Both living in Florida, they decided to launch the movement in San Fransisco.  Jill had the urge to see the redwoods and Mt Shasta and felt it was a powerful place on the planet to begin this movement.  Within 6 weeks, they had women in 44 locations and 14 countries around the world joining them in walking a labyrinth and reciting the invocation for Peace, the same read by Eleanor Roosevelt at the end of WWII. They chose July 22 as the day to honor this movement because this is the Mary Magdalene Feast Day. The archetype of Mary Magdalene represents the Sacred Feminine which is revealed through a deep connection to Divine Source, intuitive knowing, strength and power. The rise of the Sacred Feminine is leading the initiation of humanity to higher awareness. This is not a women's movement, but a movement of love and deep connection, a knowing, that all are equal and deserve love and respect. This is an energy which resides in all human spirits.

L. Shannon Andersen, LMHC                                         Jill Marie Jordan


Shannon owns Sacred Escape Retreat Center on the Intracoastal Waterway in Palm Coast, Florida.  She and her daughter run international retreats by utilizing home exchanges.  It was through one of those exchanges, Shannon met Flo, a quantum physicist, who was visiting from South Africa.  On the last day of Flo's visit at Shannon's Retreat Center, Shannon learned of her interest in religion and science. They instantly connected, became like sisters and Flo joined the mission to help others through the Movement for Peace.

L. Shannon Andersen, LMHC                         Flo Maríe


Over the next few years, the 3 women, Jill, Shannon and Flo, began traveling to sacred places around the world carrying the energy of the Movement for Peace,  sharing love and healing with the world. Connecting in Sedona, AZ, areas in France, South Africa, Michigan, and Florida.



Our supporters will get fun and informative, updated footage as we travel through the sacred sites in Europe.

Here are some clips of our fun, humorous and interesting adventures in CA for our first annual Movement for Peace.



Jill met Kathleen Overchuck and Randy Rauch through a mutual friend. They discovered their shared passion for film and video production and began an amazing relationship.

     Jill & Kathleen in 2010                                              Jill & Kathleen in 2016


Jill has worked in development and production with Kathleen and Randy on their adventure series productions of and Wildside-TV. In addition to having a professional relationship, they have also built a 15+ year friendship supporting each other in creating informative and entertaining projects.

Jill took this photo of Randy on a shoot in 2015. Interview session with Nik Wallenda on same shoot, 2015


Thomas Barnwell is Shannon's Nephew. He currently runs a record label with his partner Ian Deaton where they produce albums and score films in West End, Atlanta.


Current Team


