A new model for creators
Seed&Spark is building a new studio model, with fair and transparent business practices. We provide every filmmaker the opportunity to create a sustainable career, no matter where they live or what they look like.
We build a better world when all voices can be heard.
Seed&Spark delivers education, tools and resources that create access for all storytellers to get their work made and seen. We want to ensure creators can build a better future for themselves and their communities by retaining ownership and building career equity with each new project.
New work, new world
Because we’re creating a path for talent to rise up outside of the conventional gatekeeper systems, Seed&Spark gets wild and wonderful new movies and shows made at a record pace. Hundreds of shorts, features and series come to life each year. Creators who come here don’t just want to make a living: they want to move the culture forward. We’re committed to constantly innovating and building new pathways for creators to build sustainable careers while maximizing the cultural impact of their work.
Building bridges & expanding empathy
Community is built by people, so in order for our creators’ work to make an impact, it has to reach people outside of streaming algorithms and online ads. It has to reach them where they spend their time with others - where they live and where they work. Seed&Spark bridges online and offline experiences connecting people - in person - through stories that matter.