Level I: 250 Followers
If you reach 250 Followers within the same quarter as your campaign closes successfully, you’ll become eligible to redeem a number of rewards from our amazing partners, dispensed quarterly at the discretion of those partners. Some rewards are only given to one or two campaigns, some have specific eligibility requirements (ie- geography, genre).
Level II: 500 Followers
With 500 followers and the Green Light, you’ll unlock waivers at any time (even years after your campaign closes) for free festival submissions and more amazing tools to help you better navigate everything around your film, from production gear to custom marketing and digital strategy!
Level III: 1000 Followers
With 1000 Followers and your Green Light, you’ll unlock even more goodies from our incredible partners at any time, even years after your campaign closes.
While Seed&Spark is a crowdfunding platform for artists and artist-supporting companies and events of all kinds, our follower rewards are currently only available for those making film projects: shorts, features, and series. We hope to expand these reward offerings in the future to all our artists!
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