People Die in This Movie
Chicago, Illinois | Film Short
People Die in This Movie is a short student film created by the students at College of DuPage. We strive to make this horror film as bloody and realistic as possible.
People Die in This Movie
Chicago, Illinois | Film Short
1 Campaigns | Illinois, United States
Green Light
This campaign raised $4,510 for production. Follow the filmmaker to receive future updates on this project.
48 supporters | followers
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People Die in This Movie is a short student film created by the students at College of DuPage. We strive to make this horror film as bloody and realistic as possible.
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Mission Statement
The Story
People Die in this Movie is a short film inspired by the horror classics of the 70s and 80s and is produced by students at the College of DuPage. "People Die" follows a group of teenagers as they are terrorized on their Spring Break camping trip at Arrowhead Pointe. They'll have to learn to put aside their differences if they want to make it out alive.
Use the WishList to Pledge cash and Loan items - or - Make a pledge by selecting an Incentive directly.
Production Design
Costs $1,500
We will be using a lot of prosthetics on our actors. We are also using a lot of blood so we need multiples of all our characters outfits.
Craft Services
Costs $1,200
We need food for our cast and crew of 25 people for four days of shooting
Location& Travel
Costs $400
We are traveling out of area for the shoots so we need some way to transport are gear and cast and crew
Costs $200
We are shooting in the woods so we need generators to power our lights and other gear
Costs $800
We will be submitting this film to festivals after we finish post production
Costs $400
We have a number of stunts in this film so we will need a stunt coordinator on set each day.
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About This Team
We are film students at College of dupage. For many of us this film is the last one we are making at College of Dupage before we move into the industry or transfer schools. We want this film to be a staple of the work we have done the last few years here. We want to submit this film to film festivals and be able to put it in our portfolios for future job opportunities.
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Mission Statement
The Story
People Die in this Movie is a short film inspired by the horror classics of the 70s and 80s and is produced by students at the College of DuPage. "People Die" follows a group of teenagers as they are terrorized on their Spring Break camping trip at Arrowhead Pointe. They'll have to learn to put aside their differences if they want to make it out alive.
Use the WishList to Pledge cash and Loan items - or - Make a pledge by selecting an Incentive directly.
Production Design
Costs $1,500
We will be using a lot of prosthetics on our actors. We are also using a lot of blood so we need multiples of all our characters outfits.
Craft Services
Costs $1,200
We need food for our cast and crew of 25 people for four days of shooting
Location& Travel
Costs $400
We are traveling out of area for the shoots so we need some way to transport are gear and cast and crew
Costs $200
We are shooting in the woods so we need generators to power our lights and other gear
Costs $800
We will be submitting this film to festivals after we finish post production
Costs $400
We have a number of stunts in this film so we will need a stunt coordinator on set each day.
No Updates Yet
This campaign hasn't posted any updates yet. Message them to ask for an update!
About This Team
We are film students at College of dupage. For many of us this film is the last one we are making at College of Dupage before we move into the industry or transfer schools. We want this film to be a staple of the work we have done the last few years here. We want to submit this film to film festivals and be able to put it in our portfolios for future job opportunities.