Los Angeles, California | Film Short
Drama, Horror
Still is about how hard it is to survive losing a child - a child you held or one you never met. It's about how well-meaning words can feel empty, meaningless, & hurtful to someone suffering a loss. If you've lost a baby, I hope this brings healing for you and inspires understanding in others.
Los Angeles, California | Film Short
Drama, Horror

2 Campaigns | California, United States
Green Light
This campaign raised $18,682 for production. Follow the filmmaker to receive future updates on this project.
258 supporters | followers
Enter the amount you would like to pledge
Still is about how hard it is to survive losing a child - a child you held or one you never met. It's about how well-meaning words can feel empty, meaningless, & hurtful to someone suffering a loss. If you've lost a baby, I hope this brings healing for you and inspires understanding in others.
- The Story
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- Updates
- The Team
- Community
Mission Statement
The Story
LOGLINE: A miraculous discovery in the woods fulfills a despondent woman’s deepest desire, but triggers a nightmarish new reality.
click the "MEDIA" tab above or CLICK HERE!
ALIYA (40s), a despondent, depressed woman, cries in the woods behind her house until she falls asleep under a tree. When she wakes she hears a baby's cry and finds a naked infant in the woods near where she passed out. She takes it home, cleans it up and cares for it. She names him Jacob.
At the park, she meets a MOTHER and her child. They bond over motherhood. While breastfeeding Jacob, Aliya feels a strange pain. She puts him down for a second and he disappears. Then his carriage disappears too along with any remainder of his existence.
The Mother (eerily calm for the situation) comes over to help Aliya but keeps saying the wrong things. She turns into a monstrous presence who questions Aliya's deservedness to be a mother.
This accusation triggers Aliya's memory of reality, and sends her reeling into the nightmarish present.
Still is a story of loss and a metaphor for how letting go can be a total nightmare.
SAFETY FIRST! Per regulations, all of our crew will be expected to have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and masks will be available and used on set when indoors. We will also ask everyone to provide us with a negative COVID test prior to shooting. We understand there is a risk, but also feel that this film is too important to wait on.
A native of Los Angeles, Rakefet Abergel is an award-winning American/Israeli actress, writer/producer/director, and outspoken stand up comedian. One month after taking a stand up class, Rakefet won Best Comic and Best Overall Talent on the Tyra Banks Show. She appeared in the movie Superbad with Jonah Hill, and as Adam Sandler's sister in Just Go with It . She can also be seen in the films My Best Friend's Girl opposite Dane Cook, with Halle Berry in The Call, and alongside Eddie Murphy & Kerry Washington in the film, A Thousand Words. Rakefet regularly guest stars on TV shows including Showtime's Shameless, New Girl, My Name is Earl, Bella and the Bulldogs, and iCarly.
Rakefet also originated the role of "Brooke" in the hilarious and touching play, The Furniture, written by Marc Warren (Even Stevens, Full House) and directed by industry veteran Joel Zwick (Full House, My Big Fat Greek Wedding), that premiered at the Hillcrest Center for the Arts.
Rachae Thomas is an Artist, a Singer, a Wife, and a Mother to two amazing little girls. Her TV credits include recurring and guest appearances on streaming networks like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime. Shows like “How to Get Away with Murder", “Hand of God”, and “Casual”. Her breakout role was in a film called “Life of a King” playing a supporting role to Cuba Gooding Jr.
She’s appeared in numerous national commercials throughout her career. She also starred in critically acclaimed theatre and musical theatre productions in Los Angeles. She’s also performed her own and other one woman shows around the country. Rachae’s goal is to break racial boundaries and limitations in roles and in life. Her passion is creating relateable characters and stories that transform and empower the narrative around Women, People of Color, and normal ass people everywhere.
I was just born and don't have a bio yet, but after this I will have something cool to add to my resume! ;)
A year and a half ago, I got pregnant for the first time in my life, at 42 years old. I was happy, sad, scared, excited, terrified, anxious, elated, and everything in between.
A few weeks into the pregnancy, I suffered a miscarriage. It's taken me a year to be able to write about the loss, and I wrote this script to honor my pain and the child that I never got to meet. I carry the pain of that loss with me every single day.
Miscarriages, still births and other pregnancy traumas are so common, and yet they still carry a stigma around them. Not only are people ashamed or afraid to share about their losses, but the people that it’s being shared with often find themselves feeling uncomfortable because it seems “too personal” to be discussed in mixed company. I think this has to change.
It was extremely cathartic for me to write about my loss. I wanted to make this film in the hope that other people who have been through this kind of tragedy, or worse, can see identify with it and it helps them feel seen and heard.
I hope once it’s made, it can be the catalyst for more conversations about the difficult things that women (and men!) endure every single day. Just because it’s common and just because it’s hard to talk about, doesn’t mean it should live in the shadows. I hope to bring the issue to light and encourage healing all around. - Rakefet Abergel
You can pledge with confidence knowing that we will take this film all the way.
Rakefet's first short film, Jax in Love, (that she wrote, produced, and starred in) ended up an Official Selection at over 60 film festivals in 4 countries. It won dozens of awards including 9 Best Actress awards and awards for Best Original Screenplay and Best Horror Short, amongst them.
52 Weeks of Horror wrote, "Jax in Love is beautiful, horrifying, and all too real." And Film Festival Circuit wrote, "Rakefet Abergel delivers an intense performance in this psychological thriller that will have you guessing till the end."
Jax in Love is now avaialable on Amazon Prime, Shorts TV, Bloody Disgusting's World of Death Vol. 6 DVD and more including the Love Scars DVD coming soon! Watch Jax in Love here!
Rakefet's second short film, Boo, was an Official Selection at over 80 film festivals all over the world. It won dozens of awards including multiple Best Director, Best Screenplay, Best Female Filmmaker and Best Overall Cast at a variety of film festivals including Filmquest, GenreBlast Film Festival, and Nightmares Film Festival. It won Best Horror Short at Cordillera International Film Festival and garned over 100 nominations for various aspects of the film.
Jason Minton at the Headless Critic writes, “Abergel writes, directs and stars in her own short film creating a multi-layered character that isn’t everything you expect, in a role typically played by less interesting actors who don’t break the mold.”
Boo was distributed by ALTER, Amazon Prime, and Bloody Disgusting's World of Death Vol. 6 DVD and more including the Love Scars DVD coming soon! Watch Boo here!
For more information on all of the films that came before you can also visit
There has never been a better time to start conversations and raise awareness about the very common and devastating reality of pregnancy loss and childbirth. 1 in 4 pregnancies end in miscarriage, and not enough people feel comfortable talking about it, resulting in many men and women going without help or support in the face of their grief. This film will hopefully raise awareness and increase understanding for those who are suffering.
If you need support or resources to ease the pain of a pregnancy or child loss, please visit the websites below to start your healing journey.
*Disclaimer: We came across these while doing reserach, and while we believe them to be valuable resources, we cannot personally vouch for them.
Miscarriage Support Organizations, Star Legacy Foundation, Miscarriage Association UK, Supporting Mamas, March of Dimes, Empty Arms Bereavement Support, Rachel's Gift, The Finley Project, Angel of Hope
Spreading the word on social media, emailing friends and family, or word of mouth about the campaign will help spread our message and mission!
Here is a sample of how you can word your post:
"A friend of mine (or a filmmaker I like/follow or whatever suits you!) is raising money for her next short film "STILL". There are awesome incentives for pledges AND Rakefet plans to make a personal donation equaling 5% of the total raised to preganancy loss support organizations.
You can also share the campaign or "FOLLOW" at the link below for FREE to help out.
Visit to pledge your support today!"
Add a pic to your post, like the one below, and you've really helped us out!
STILL is produced by Cyclamen Films, the production company behind the award-winning horror shorts, Jax in Love and Boo.
Thank you for helping us throughout the years!
Since we need to make 80% of our goal to be greenlit and able to access the funds, we are only asking for $18k. We probably need closer to $25k-$30k to cover film festival expenses and submissions and marketing materials, as well as any unexpected expenses that come up during production. So if we reach our goal, please continue to contribute if you can! We need every penny we can get. Be assured that all funds will go towards production, post production, or marketing and distribution of STILL.
If we reach $20,000 we will be able to offer better rates to our cast & crew and have an extra day at our location for filming purposes.
If we reach $25,000 we will be able to cover the above as well as some film festival submissions & expenses.
If we reach $30,000 we will be able to cover all of the above and create professional marketing materials to get the film to as many people as possible, as well as cover most distribution and festival costs.
Rakefet will personally be making a donation to the following organizations equaling 5% of our final total raised on Seed and Spark to various child and pregnancy loss support organzations including:
Teeny Tears, The Finley Project, Our Village Birthing, Evermore Blooms, and Empty Cradle
You can help us make this film AND do an incredible good deed for people dealing with this kind of trauma. PLEASE visit their websites and feel free to make a donation directly to them, too!
Thank you for pledging support for our project! It means the world to us.
"STILL" is in memory of Max Jacob 7/14/2021
Use the WishList to Pledge cash and Loan items - or - Make a pledge by selecting an Incentive directly.
Stimulate the Economy
Costs $7,000
Help us get the best crew, put them up for the shoot, and pay them fairly!
Location, Location, Location!
Costs $3,500
This is the minimum cost for our forest and house locations plus applicable fees.
Insurance & Permits - Oh My!
Costs $2,500
Insurance isn't cheap, but neither is an accident! We like to do things the right way & protect all!
Feed Us!
Costs $1,000
A good crew is a well fed crew! Help us get them food that will rev up their creative engines!
Fix It in Post
Costs $2,500
Once we have the film, we need a great editor and some fantastic sound, music, and color!
The Nitty Gritty
Costs $1,000
Hair, makeup, costumes, props, and more. It takes a lot of money to make a movie!
About This Team
Rakefet Abergel is an accomplished director, writer, and producer known for her unique voice and creative vision. Born in Los Angeles, Abergel began her career in the entertainment industry as an actress, working in both film and television.
After several years of acting, Abergel shifted her attention to directing and writing. She enrolled in the film program at Boston University, where she honed her skills and developed her unique style.
In the last several years, Abergel has produced and/or directed a number of critically acclaimed short films, including “Jax in Love”, “Boo,” and most recently, “Still”, all of which she also wrote and starred in. Her films are currently streaming on ALTER, Bloody TV, ShortsTV and Amazon Prime and available on several DVD and Blu-ray anthologies.
Her writing, acting and directing have been recognized with numerous awards and honors and her films have screened at festivals around the world.
Abergel's work is characterized by its bold, unflinching honesty, and her ability to explore complex themes and emotions in a way that is both authentic and relatable. Her films often explore issues related to identity, relationships, and personal growth, and she has been praised for her ability to tackle these topics with sensitivity and nuance.
In recent years, Abergel has continued to expand her portfolio and is currently in development on a pilot version of “Jax in Love” and several feature films.
She also teaches Hebrew and Bar/Bat Mitzvah studies to kids in Los Angeles, and works as an acting coach and mentor at Kid (F)Actor, an acting school she founded in 2010.
An established multihypenate, Rakefet Abergel has proven herself as a force to be reckoned with in the entertainment industry. Her unique voice and creative vision have earned her a loyal following of fans and admirers, and her work continues to inspire and provoke audiences around the world.
Joseph is a 29 year veteran of live theatre, primarily lighting and set design, but also sound, props, projections and even acting occasionally on over 70 productions. Joseph teaches stagecraft and technical theatre in production at a California Community College. They have recently been learning and expanding their skills and knowledge in independent filmmaking. Joseph has been nominated for many lighting and scenic design awards from Sacramento Area Regional Theatre Alliance (SARTA) and The Kennedy Center - American College Theatre Festival (KC-ACTF). They won a lighting design excellence award for Don Carlos, and a Meritorious Achievement in Lighting award for Death of a Salesman from KC-ACTF. They won Outstanding Achievements for Set Design for A View From a Bridge and 39 Steps from SARTA and Outstanding Achievement Overall Production for The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime.
Joseph has also served as Board member and Board president of the Yuba-Sutter Regional Arts Council, as a Founding Board Member and Technical Director of the Borga Maria Lyric Opera Company, and as a Chapter President and Regional Representative for California School Employees Association. They recently founded their own media company Tertiary Productions.
Joseph met Rakefet at a film festival and after watching Boo fell in love with her storytelling. Upon reading Still, they knew they wanted to help make this happen any way they could. This is an important subject and they hope the viewers gain reassurement and feel seen.
Sophia Cacciola is a director and cinematographer concentrating on sociopolitical horror and sci-fi feature films including the feminist vampire throwback, Blood of the Tribades, the cerebral time-loop trance, Magnetic, and the dark social satire, Clickbait. Her latest films are a double-feature of the mockumentary The Once and Future Smash and the accompanying slasher, End Zone 2.
Her award-winning films have played at more than 70 film festivals and have been distributed worldwide. Sophia began her arts career in music, most notably as the no-wave punk singer-songwriter-drummer in Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling, building up a following based around their music video recreations of the 1967 TV show, The Prisoner. Sophia was awarded an art residency at Museumsquartier in Vienna, Austria in autumn 2017, where she built an interactive musical cocktail robot installation, Nothen für die Tothen, for the event Roboexotica. Sophia also combines her love of music and film as the head videographer for the Women of Rock Oral History Project housed at Smith College, documenting the lives and careers of women in rock who have been underrepresented or omitted from rock journalism and historical scholarship.
She lives in Los Angeles with her partner and two grumpy senior chihuahuas. **
Michael J. Epstein is an award-losing filmmaker, writer, musician, and scientist. With his production company, Launch Over, he has made theme-driven genre shorts and features that have played more than 100 film festivals and have been distributed worldwide. Prior to his film career, Michael toured and recorded with indie bands The Motion Sick, The Michael J. Epstein Memorial Library, Neutral Uke Hotel, and Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling. He has also published more than 40 book chapters, papers, and abstracts in the auditory and psychological sciences and has written books on crowdfunding and the logical structures of science, mathematics, and statistics. **
NED THORNE is an L.A.-based film editor, screenwriter, and director with almost two decades in the industry, including two prior projects with Rakefet Abergel: Jax in Love and Boo. His next feature (as editor), Rumble Through the Dark, starring Aaron Eckhart, Bella Thorne, and Marianne Jean-Baptiste, will hit theatres and VOD in August 2023.
Constance moved to LA in 2022 to pursue a career in production. She is a Belgian trilingual passionate individual, who believes movies have the power to shape our cultures.
Performing as a Production Coordinator in Europe and as Line Producer in Los Angeles, she loves working on set and being a part of a dedicated team achieving great work together.
Rachel Leggett is a filmmaker living and working in Los Angeles, CA. She specializes in all things Art Department with her work as Production Designer in Say Something (2022), The Stain (2023) and as Propmaster on CPA (2023). While not on set she works at a prop rental house managing orders and fabricating props. Originally from Ohio, Rachel can identify most trees in the midwestern US and will say hello to anyone who crosses her path.
Professional Makeup Artist and Mold Maker, Jake C. Barber has been transforming faces for over 8 years for films, commercials, theatre, editorials, and with prosthetics.
Jake attended the Master Makeup course at Makeup Designory School (MUD) in Burbank, CA. This Led him to work for feature films such as Ghostbusters: After Life, and Maleficent: Mistress of Evil and being department head of upcoming film 'The Last Stop in Yuma County. As well as music hip hop and latin music videos such as 'shot gun Willy,' 'Lily Lyon,' and 'Maria Jose.'
At the age of 18 he received an award for 'Best Thriller' from the Telos Awards 2015. Also a nomination for 'Best Makeup' in Utah Film Awards in 2015 for the film 'Step Larpers.'
Jake currently resides in Los Angeles, California.
Born into the art world, Brodie was guided and trained by his grandfather, master painter Charles Boyer (Disney Legends Hall of Fame) and his Father Bruce Boyer (The Masked Man, Hilly Rose).
As a colorist of 14 years Brodie has worked on a wide variety of projects spanning both the indie world and blockbuster films. His love of the craft and science of color is bolstered by his commitment to bring every filmmakers vision to life. Brodie will often tell his clients, “It’s not done until you love it!”
From working with Paramount Studios to Lucas Film to Picture Shop, Brodie continues to set aside time to invest in indie filmmaking. “Indie film will always have my heart. That’s where I came from. That’s where the freshest ideas are. The next big director is puzzling over how to fund an indie film right now.”
Catherine Capozzi is an award-winning film composer, guitarist, and producer. Her genre-bending musical style provides a base for composing innovative scores for films.Her compositions have received Best Score awards at film festivals, including Renegade Film Fest, GenreBlast, Boston Underground Film Festival, Women in Horror, and the Sanford International Film Festival. After being selected by Queen’s Brian May to win his famed “Red Special” guitar, Catherine founded Axemunkee to highlight her original guitar-based compositions.
Michael is a filmmaker with over 25 years of experience. He began his professional career working behind the camera on the TV shows Silk Stalkings and Renegade, and the Showtime movie The Tiger Woods Story. He has shot and edited videos for Sony, Marvel, Petco, X-Factor, Taylor Guitars, Wrangler Jeans, IMDb and TCL, and worked directly with clients that include LL Cool J, Gwen Stefani, Jenny McCarthy, Simon Cowell and Kevin Smith. He was recently nominated for Best Editing by the HorrorHaus and Oceanside Film Festivals for the 2022 award-winning short film, Black Creek Trail.
The shy, introverted kid who grew up to be the crowd’s favorite with his infectious laugh. Javere Green, raised in Ashburn, Virginia, discovered at a young age that he wanted to be an actor on TV. He pursued this passion and is now a college graduate with a BFA in acting from Shenandoah University. Now, he plans to see the world, develop his craft, and find a way to make art anywhere he goes. With this project, Javere wanted to see what it would be like behind the table. The director gave him the opportunity to express his ideas on the future of the project. Javere is excited to showcase his work in the casting process!
- The Story
- Wishlist
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- The Team
- Community
Mission Statement
The Story
LOGLINE: A miraculous discovery in the woods fulfills a despondent woman’s deepest desire, but triggers a nightmarish new reality.
click the "MEDIA" tab above or CLICK HERE!
ALIYA (40s), a despondent, depressed woman, cries in the woods behind her house until she falls asleep under a tree. When she wakes she hears a baby's cry and finds a naked infant in the woods near where she passed out. She takes it home, cleans it up and cares for it. She names him Jacob.
At the park, she meets a MOTHER and her child. They bond over motherhood. While breastfeeding Jacob, Aliya feels a strange pain. She puts him down for a second and he disappears. Then his carriage disappears too along with any remainder of his existence.
The Mother (eerily calm for the situation) comes over to help Aliya but keeps saying the wrong things. She turns into a monstrous presence who questions Aliya's deservedness to be a mother.
This accusation triggers Aliya's memory of reality, and sends her reeling into the nightmarish present.
Still is a story of loss and a metaphor for how letting go can be a total nightmare.
SAFETY FIRST! Per regulations, all of our crew will be expected to have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and masks will be available and used on set when indoors. We will also ask everyone to provide us with a negative COVID test prior to shooting. We understand there is a risk, but also feel that this film is too important to wait on.
A native of Los Angeles, Rakefet Abergel is an award-winning American/Israeli actress, writer/producer/director, and outspoken stand up comedian. One month after taking a stand up class, Rakefet won Best Comic and Best Overall Talent on the Tyra Banks Show. She appeared in the movie Superbad with Jonah Hill, and as Adam Sandler's sister in Just Go with It . She can also be seen in the films My Best Friend's Girl opposite Dane Cook, with Halle Berry in The Call, and alongside Eddie Murphy & Kerry Washington in the film, A Thousand Words. Rakefet regularly guest stars on TV shows including Showtime's Shameless, New Girl, My Name is Earl, Bella and the Bulldogs, and iCarly.
Rakefet also originated the role of "Brooke" in the hilarious and touching play, The Furniture, written by Marc Warren (Even Stevens, Full House) and directed by industry veteran Joel Zwick (Full House, My Big Fat Greek Wedding), that premiered at the Hillcrest Center for the Arts.
Rachae Thomas is an Artist, a Singer, a Wife, and a Mother to two amazing little girls. Her TV credits include recurring and guest appearances on streaming networks like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime. Shows like “How to Get Away with Murder", “Hand of God”, and “Casual”. Her breakout role was in a film called “Life of a King” playing a supporting role to Cuba Gooding Jr.
She’s appeared in numerous national commercials throughout her career. She also starred in critically acclaimed theatre and musical theatre productions in Los Angeles. She’s also performed her own and other one woman shows around the country. Rachae’s goal is to break racial boundaries and limitations in roles and in life. Her passion is creating relateable characters and stories that transform and empower the narrative around Women, People of Color, and normal ass people everywhere.
I was just born and don't have a bio yet, but after this I will have something cool to add to my resume! ;)
A year and a half ago, I got pregnant for the first time in my life, at 42 years old. I was happy, sad, scared, excited, terrified, anxious, elated, and everything in between.
A few weeks into the pregnancy, I suffered a miscarriage. It's taken me a year to be able to write about the loss, and I wrote this script to honor my pain and the child that I never got to meet. I carry the pain of that loss with me every single day.
Miscarriages, still births and other pregnancy traumas are so common, and yet they still carry a stigma around them. Not only are people ashamed or afraid to share about their losses, but the people that it’s being shared with often find themselves feeling uncomfortable because it seems “too personal” to be discussed in mixed company. I think this has to change.
It was extremely cathartic for me to write about my loss. I wanted to make this film in the hope that other people who have been through this kind of tragedy, or worse, can see identify with it and it helps them feel seen and heard.
I hope once it’s made, it can be the catalyst for more conversations about the difficult things that women (and men!) endure every single day. Just because it’s common and just because it’s hard to talk about, doesn’t mean it should live in the shadows. I hope to bring the issue to light and encourage healing all around. - Rakefet Abergel
You can pledge with confidence knowing that we will take this film all the way.
Rakefet's first short film, Jax in Love, (that she wrote, produced, and starred in) ended up an Official Selection at over 60 film festivals in 4 countries. It won dozens of awards including 9 Best Actress awards and awards for Best Original Screenplay and Best Horror Short, amongst them.
52 Weeks of Horror wrote, "Jax in Love is beautiful, horrifying, and all too real." And Film Festival Circuit wrote, "Rakefet Abergel delivers an intense performance in this psychological thriller that will have you guessing till the end."
Jax in Love is now avaialable on Amazon Prime, Shorts TV, Bloody Disgusting's World of Death Vol. 6 DVD and more including the Love Scars DVD coming soon! Watch Jax in Love here!
Rakefet's second short film, Boo, was an Official Selection at over 80 film festivals all over the world. It won dozens of awards including multiple Best Director, Best Screenplay, Best Female Filmmaker and Best Overall Cast at a variety of film festivals including Filmquest, GenreBlast Film Festival, and Nightmares Film Festival. It won Best Horror Short at Cordillera International Film Festival and garned over 100 nominations for various aspects of the film.
Jason Minton at the Headless Critic writes, “Abergel writes, directs and stars in her own short film creating a multi-layered character that isn’t everything you expect, in a role typically played by less interesting actors who don’t break the mold.”
Boo was distributed by ALTER, Amazon Prime, and Bloody Disgusting's World of Death Vol. 6 DVD and more including the Love Scars DVD coming soon! Watch Boo here!
For more information on all of the films that came before you can also visit
There has never been a better time to start conversations and raise awareness about the very common and devastating reality of pregnancy loss and childbirth. 1 in 4 pregnancies end in miscarriage, and not enough people feel comfortable talking about it, resulting in many men and women going without help or support in the face of their grief. This film will hopefully raise awareness and increase understanding for those who are suffering.
If you need support or resources to ease the pain of a pregnancy or child loss, please visit the websites below to start your healing journey.
*Disclaimer: We came across these while doing reserach, and while we believe them to be valuable resources, we cannot personally vouch for them.
Miscarriage Support Organizations, Star Legacy Foundation, Miscarriage Association UK, Supporting Mamas, March of Dimes, Empty Arms Bereavement Support, Rachel's Gift, The Finley Project, Angel of Hope
Spreading the word on social media, emailing friends and family, or word of mouth about the campaign will help spread our message and mission!
Here is a sample of how you can word your post:
"A friend of mine (or a filmmaker I like/follow or whatever suits you!) is raising money for her next short film "STILL". There are awesome incentives for pledges AND Rakefet plans to make a personal donation equaling 5% of the total raised to preganancy loss support organizations.
You can also share the campaign or "FOLLOW" at the link below for FREE to help out.
Visit to pledge your support today!"
Add a pic to your post, like the one below, and you've really helped us out!
STILL is produced by Cyclamen Films, the production company behind the award-winning horror shorts, Jax in Love and Boo.
Thank you for helping us throughout the years!
Since we need to make 80% of our goal to be greenlit and able to access the funds, we are only asking for $18k. We probably need closer to $25k-$30k to cover film festival expenses and submissions and marketing materials, as well as any unexpected expenses that come up during production. So if we reach our goal, please continue to contribute if you can! We need every penny we can get. Be assured that all funds will go towards production, post production, or marketing and distribution of STILL.
If we reach $20,000 we will be able to offer better rates to our cast & crew and have an extra day at our location for filming purposes.
If we reach $25,000 we will be able to cover the above as well as some film festival submissions & expenses.
If we reach $30,000 we will be able to cover all of the above and create professional marketing materials to get the film to as many people as possible, as well as cover most distribution and festival costs.
Rakefet will personally be making a donation to the following organizations equaling 5% of our final total raised on Seed and Spark to various child and pregnancy loss support organzations including:
Teeny Tears, The Finley Project, Our Village Birthing, Evermore Blooms, and Empty Cradle
You can help us make this film AND do an incredible good deed for people dealing with this kind of trauma. PLEASE visit their websites and feel free to make a donation directly to them, too!
Thank you for pledging support for our project! It means the world to us.
"STILL" is in memory of Max Jacob 7/14/2021
Use the WishList to Pledge cash and Loan items - or - Make a pledge by selecting an Incentive directly.
Stimulate the Economy
Costs $7,000
Help us get the best crew, put them up for the shoot, and pay them fairly!
Location, Location, Location!
Costs $3,500
This is the minimum cost for our forest and house locations plus applicable fees.
Insurance & Permits - Oh My!
Costs $2,500
Insurance isn't cheap, but neither is an accident! We like to do things the right way & protect all!
Feed Us!
Costs $1,000
A good crew is a well fed crew! Help us get them food that will rev up their creative engines!
Fix It in Post
Costs $2,500
Once we have the film, we need a great editor and some fantastic sound, music, and color!
The Nitty Gritty
Costs $1,000
Hair, makeup, costumes, props, and more. It takes a lot of money to make a movie!
About This Team
Rakefet Abergel is an accomplished director, writer, and producer known for her unique voice and creative vision. Born in Los Angeles, Abergel began her career in the entertainment industry as an actress, working in both film and television.
After several years of acting, Abergel shifted her attention to directing and writing. She enrolled in the film program at Boston University, where she honed her skills and developed her unique style.
In the last several years, Abergel has produced and/or directed a number of critically acclaimed short films, including “Jax in Love”, “Boo,” and most recently, “Still”, all of which she also wrote and starred in. Her films are currently streaming on ALTER, Bloody TV, ShortsTV and Amazon Prime and available on several DVD and Blu-ray anthologies.
Her writing, acting and directing have been recognized with numerous awards and honors and her films have screened at festivals around the world.
Abergel's work is characterized by its bold, unflinching honesty, and her ability to explore complex themes and emotions in a way that is both authentic and relatable. Her films often explore issues related to identity, relationships, and personal growth, and she has been praised for her ability to tackle these topics with sensitivity and nuance.
In recent years, Abergel has continued to expand her portfolio and is currently in development on a pilot version of “Jax in Love” and several feature films.
She also teaches Hebrew and Bar/Bat Mitzvah studies to kids in Los Angeles, and works as an acting coach and mentor at Kid (F)Actor, an acting school she founded in 2010.
An established multihypenate, Rakefet Abergel has proven herself as a force to be reckoned with in the entertainment industry. Her unique voice and creative vision have earned her a loyal following of fans and admirers, and her work continues to inspire and provoke audiences around the world.
Joseph is a 29 year veteran of live theatre, primarily lighting and set design, but also sound, props, projections and even acting occasionally on over 70 productions. Joseph teaches stagecraft and technical theatre in production at a California Community College. They have recently been learning and expanding their skills and knowledge in independent filmmaking. Joseph has been nominated for many lighting and scenic design awards from Sacramento Area Regional Theatre Alliance (SARTA) and The Kennedy Center - American College Theatre Festival (KC-ACTF). They won a lighting design excellence award for Don Carlos, and a Meritorious Achievement in Lighting award for Death of a Salesman from KC-ACTF. They won Outstanding Achievements for Set Design for A View From a Bridge and 39 Steps from SARTA and Outstanding Achievement Overall Production for The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime.
Joseph has also served as Board member and Board president of the Yuba-Sutter Regional Arts Council, as a Founding Board Member and Technical Director of the Borga Maria Lyric Opera Company, and as a Chapter President and Regional Representative for California School Employees Association. They recently founded their own media company Tertiary Productions.
Joseph met Rakefet at a film festival and after watching Boo fell in love with her storytelling. Upon reading Still, they knew they wanted to help make this happen any way they could. This is an important subject and they hope the viewers gain reassurement and feel seen.
Sophia Cacciola is a director and cinematographer concentrating on sociopolitical horror and sci-fi feature films including the feminist vampire throwback, Blood of the Tribades, the cerebral time-loop trance, Magnetic, and the dark social satire, Clickbait. Her latest films are a double-feature of the mockumentary The Once and Future Smash and the accompanying slasher, End Zone 2.
Her award-winning films have played at more than 70 film festivals and have been distributed worldwide. Sophia began her arts career in music, most notably as the no-wave punk singer-songwriter-drummer in Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling, building up a following based around their music video recreations of the 1967 TV show, The Prisoner. Sophia was awarded an art residency at Museumsquartier in Vienna, Austria in autumn 2017, where she built an interactive musical cocktail robot installation, Nothen für die Tothen, for the event Roboexotica. Sophia also combines her love of music and film as the head videographer for the Women of Rock Oral History Project housed at Smith College, documenting the lives and careers of women in rock who have been underrepresented or omitted from rock journalism and historical scholarship.
She lives in Los Angeles with her partner and two grumpy senior chihuahuas. **
Michael J. Epstein is an award-losing filmmaker, writer, musician, and scientist. With his production company, Launch Over, he has made theme-driven genre shorts and features that have played more than 100 film festivals and have been distributed worldwide. Prior to his film career, Michael toured and recorded with indie bands The Motion Sick, The Michael J. Epstein Memorial Library, Neutral Uke Hotel, and Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling. He has also published more than 40 book chapters, papers, and abstracts in the auditory and psychological sciences and has written books on crowdfunding and the logical structures of science, mathematics, and statistics. **
NED THORNE is an L.A.-based film editor, screenwriter, and director with almost two decades in the industry, including two prior projects with Rakefet Abergel: Jax in Love and Boo. His next feature (as editor), Rumble Through the Dark, starring Aaron Eckhart, Bella Thorne, and Marianne Jean-Baptiste, will hit theatres and VOD in August 2023.
Constance moved to LA in 2022 to pursue a career in production. She is a Belgian trilingual passionate individual, who believes movies have the power to shape our cultures.
Performing as a Production Coordinator in Europe and as Line Producer in Los Angeles, she loves working on set and being a part of a dedicated team achieving great work together.
Rachel Leggett is a filmmaker living and working in Los Angeles, CA. She specializes in all things Art Department with her work as Production Designer in Say Something (2022), The Stain (2023) and as Propmaster on CPA (2023). While not on set she works at a prop rental house managing orders and fabricating props. Originally from Ohio, Rachel can identify most trees in the midwestern US and will say hello to anyone who crosses her path.
Professional Makeup Artist and Mold Maker, Jake C. Barber has been transforming faces for over 8 years for films, commercials, theatre, editorials, and with prosthetics.
Jake attended the Master Makeup course at Makeup Designory School (MUD) in Burbank, CA. This Led him to work for feature films such as Ghostbusters: After Life, and Maleficent: Mistress of Evil and being department head of upcoming film 'The Last Stop in Yuma County. As well as music hip hop and latin music videos such as 'shot gun Willy,' 'Lily Lyon,' and 'Maria Jose.'
At the age of 18 he received an award for 'Best Thriller' from the Telos Awards 2015. Also a nomination for 'Best Makeup' in Utah Film Awards in 2015 for the film 'Step Larpers.'
Jake currently resides in Los Angeles, California.
Born into the art world, Brodie was guided and trained by his grandfather, master painter Charles Boyer (Disney Legends Hall of Fame) and his Father Bruce Boyer (The Masked Man, Hilly Rose).
As a colorist of 14 years Brodie has worked on a wide variety of projects spanning both the indie world and blockbuster films. His love of the craft and science of color is bolstered by his commitment to bring every filmmakers vision to life. Brodie will often tell his clients, “It’s not done until you love it!”
From working with Paramount Studios to Lucas Film to Picture Shop, Brodie continues to set aside time to invest in indie filmmaking. “Indie film will always have my heart. That’s where I came from. That’s where the freshest ideas are. The next big director is puzzling over how to fund an indie film right now.”
Catherine Capozzi is an award-winning film composer, guitarist, and producer. Her genre-bending musical style provides a base for composing innovative scores for films.Her compositions have received Best Score awards at film festivals, including Renegade Film Fest, GenreBlast, Boston Underground Film Festival, Women in Horror, and the Sanford International Film Festival. After being selected by Queen’s Brian May to win his famed “Red Special” guitar, Catherine founded Axemunkee to highlight her original guitar-based compositions.
Michael is a filmmaker with over 25 years of experience. He began his professional career working behind the camera on the TV shows Silk Stalkings and Renegade, and the Showtime movie The Tiger Woods Story. He has shot and edited videos for Sony, Marvel, Petco, X-Factor, Taylor Guitars, Wrangler Jeans, IMDb and TCL, and worked directly with clients that include LL Cool J, Gwen Stefani, Jenny McCarthy, Simon Cowell and Kevin Smith. He was recently nominated for Best Editing by the HorrorHaus and Oceanside Film Festivals for the 2022 award-winning short film, Black Creek Trail.
The shy, introverted kid who grew up to be the crowd’s favorite with his infectious laugh. Javere Green, raised in Ashburn, Virginia, discovered at a young age that he wanted to be an actor on TV. He pursued this passion and is now a college graduate with a BFA in acting from Shenandoah University. Now, he plans to see the world, develop his craft, and find a way to make art anywhere he goes. With this project, Javere wanted to see what it would be like behind the table. The director gave him the opportunity to express his ideas on the future of the project. Javere is excited to showcase his work in the casting process!