The Blue Fernanda

Los Angeles, California | Film Feature


Jhosimar Vasquez

1 Campaigns | California, United States

Green Light

This campaign raised $20,248 for pre-production. Follow the filmmaker to receive future updates on this project.

47 supporters | followers

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It's 2019, border migration is at an all-time high and detention centers are overflowing. Our story unravels through the purity of a little girl's eyes as she chases after the America she's heard so much about, the America she believes in, the America whose price of freedom costs her everything.

About The Project

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Mission Statement

The Blue Fernanda is a bilingual film that gives a voice to immigrants who are misrepresented in the media and misunderstood by the public. The crew is made up of people from all over the world; Mexico, Peru, Belarus, Australia, Russia, and features all ages, sexes, genders, and personalities.

The Story


The Blue Fernanda is the story of the Santana family emigrating to the United States in a little blue cotton truck. A family who has been torn apart by violence in Mexico and is seeking freedom and safety in the United States. The Santana's carry scars, both physical and emotional, from the violence they witnessed in Mexico. Little Itzel, is the only one who has managed to keep her innocence, thanks to her family's dedication to protecting her.


Itzel is the protagonist of our story. She is thrilled to be on her way to the life of her dreams, in the golden land of the free, the US of A. Along the way, her family faces danger typical of people who attempt to cross the border without documents. Ultimately, they risk their lives for a dream of a better future. Not all of them will make it into the United States, and every choice they make is critical for their survival.


Our family comes across a rookie border patrol agent, Susanna, whose parents are Mexican immigrants who crossed the border illegally. She feels empathetic for the people who are trying to cross because she sees the physical and emotional stress they go through and the disrespect they receive from the other border patrol agents. However, she is a new agent and is trying to fit in with the culture at the border patrol agency. She discovers the Santana family hiding in the impounded cotton truck. (The truck is named The Blue Fernanda). She must decide what to do; follow the law and turn them in, or act on her own volition and give them a chance to sneak over the border. Her decisions have life and death consequences as she struggles internally with what she should do. The Santana's lives are in her hands, as they camp out in the truck awaiting auction. 


The Blue Fernanda presents audiences with the conflict of the crisis at the border. There are desperate people fleeing their homes because of violence, and asking for satefy at our border. What would you do if you found a scared little girl hiding in a truck, knowing that sending her back home means putting her life in danger? Turn them in where they will be deported but out of the hot truck, to be sent back to the home they fled. Or allow them to remain hidden, in a hot truck, but maintain a chance for freedom? 


The Blue Fernanda shows that there are many consequences to our actions, no matter how we choose to proceed. An ultimate truth shadows the Santana family's every move, freedom has a high price, and for some people it is unattainable, because they were born in poverty in a country that doesn't offer opportunity or safety.


Es 2019, la migración fronteriza está en su punto más alto y los centros de detención están desbordados. Nuestra historia se desenlaza a través de la pureza de los ojos de una niña pequeña mientras persigue la América de la que tanto ha oído hablar, la América en la que cree, la América cuyo precio de la libertad le cuesta todo.


La Fernanda Azul es la historia de la familia Santana que emigró a los Estados Unidos en un pequeño camión de algodón color azul. Una familia que ha sido destrozada por la violencia en México y busca libertad y seguridad en los Estados Unidos. Los Santana llevan cicatrices, tanto físicas como emocionales, de la violencia que presenciaron en México. La pequeña Itzel es la única que ha logrado mantener su inocencia, gracias a la dedicación de su familia para protegerla.


Itzel es la protagonista de nuestra historia. Está encantada de estar en camino a la vida de sus sueños, en la tierra dorada de los libres, los Estados Unidos. En el camino, su familia se enfrenta al peligro de las personas que intentan cruzar la frontera sin documentos. En última instancia, arriesgan sus vidas por un sueño de un futuro mejor. No todos llegarán a los Estados Unidos, y cada elección que hagan es fundamental para su supervivencia.


Nuestra familia se encuentra con una agente de patrulla fronteriza novata, Susanna, cuyos padres son inmigrantes mexicanos que cruzaron la frontera ilegalmente. Siente empatía por las personas que intentan cruzar porque ve el estrés físico y emocional que atraviesan y la falta de respeto que reciben de los otros agentes de la patrulla fronteriza. Sin embargo, ella es una nueva agente y está tratando de encajar con la cultura de la agencia de patrulla fronteriza. Ella descubre a la familia Santana escondida en el camión de algodón confiscado. (El camión se llama La Fernanda Azul). Ella debe decidir qué hacer; seguir la ley y entregarlos, o actuar por su propia voluntad y darles la oportunidad de escabullirse de la frontera. Sus decisiones tienen consecuencias de vida o muerte mientras lucha internamente con lo que debe hacer. La vida de los Santana está en sus manos, mientras acampan en el camión en espera de una subasta.


La Fernanda Azul muestra que nuestras acciones tienen muchas consecuencias, sin importar cómo elijamos proceder. Una verdad absoluta ensombrece cada movimiento de la familia Santana, la libertad tiene un alto precio y para algunas personas es inalcanzable, porque nacieron en la pobreza en un país que no ofrece oportunidades ni seguridad.


The Blue Fernanda es una película bilingüe que da voz a los inmigrantes que están mal representados en los medios y mal interpretados por el público. Nuestro equipo de trabajo está compuesta por personas de todo el mundo; México, Perú, Bielorrusia, Australia, Rusia, y presenta todas las edades, sexos, géneros y personalidades.



****These images are not the actors we are using, but a rather a representation of who the characters are so you can get a better picture of who is in the film. We will beginning the casting process after the campaign****

¿Quien está adentro?

****Estas imágenes no son los actores que estamos usando, sino más bien una representación de quiénes son los personajes para que puedas tener una mejor idea de quién está en la película. Comenzaremos el proceso de casting después de la campaña. ****


****These images are not the actors we are using, but a rather a representation of who the characters are so you guys can get a better picture of who is in the film. We are going to find the cast after the campaign.***



The Blue Fernanda tells a story for those who can't speak for themselves


The story highlights the immigration crisis that we are facing at the border today. Many are angry with the people who are trying to illegally cross the border. However, we seek to show why so many are willing to risk their lives trying to cross into the United States. Immigrants are labeled as "dangerous," when most are families looking for a better life, in a safe place, with hope for the future. The Blue Fernanda follows a fictional family and their intense journey to freedom in the United States. We want to give a taste of what people in the border camps have been through, in order to encourage people to be more compassionate to those who have much less than they do. We want to change the rhetoric used to describe undocumented immigrants and influence policy makers to push immigration reform, in order to help people in desperate need into the United States legally and safely.


“The test of our progress is not whether we add more to the abundance of those who have much; it is whether we provide enough for those who have too little” - FDR

¿Porque Importa?

La Fernanda Azul cuenta una historia para aquellos que no pueden hablar por sí mismos.


La historia destaca la crisis de inmigración que enfrentamos hoy en la frontera. Muchos están enojados con las personas que intentan cruzar ilegalmente la frontera. Sin embargo, buscamos mostrar por qué tantos están dispuestos a arriesgar sus vidas tratando de cruzar a los Estados Unidos. Los inmigrantes son etiquetados como "peligrosos", cuando la mayoría son familias que buscan una vida mejor, en un lugar seguro, con esperanza para el futuro. La Fernanda Azul sigue a una familia ficticia y su intenso viaje hacia la libertad en los Estados Unidos. Queremos dar una idea de lo que han pasado las personas en los campamentos fronterizos, para alentar a las personas a ser más compasivas con aquellos que tienen mucho menos que ellos. Queremos cambiar la retórica utilizada para describir a los inmigrantes indocumentados e influir en los responsables políticos para impulsar la reforma migratoria, con el fin de ayudar a las personas que lo necesitan desesperadamente a los Estados Unidos de manera legal y segura.


“La prueba de nuestro progreso no es si agregamos más a la abundancia de aquellos que tienen mucho; es si brindamos lo suficiente para aquellos que tienen muy poco ”- FDR





Being an immigrant in the United States you feel like time is running out. I came for a certain time and that time pushes me forward. I came to the US with a dream and that dream had a deadline. That's what pushes me forward to have the best knowledge, experience, and surround myself with a crew that is professional, acclaimed, and also motivated to give this film all they got.


I knew that coming here would be hard and that I could lose people because I would be far away from home and unable to return while working here. I made sacrifices to keep this dream going, to make America my home, to find the best man I can be. Itzel, the main character, is a symbol of the children who are brought on this journey; fueled by the hope their parents give them, from painting a picture of the American dream in their minds. They might not understand what is happening to them or awaiting them in their journey, but they carry on with the belief that life is good and the problems will work themselves out. 


The Blue Fernanda also represents the trauma that comes with crossing the border for a child. Some call them, bad parents, but what they don’t understand is that these parents are fighting for their kids' future, just like my parents fought for my future.


People come from small villages where there is no opportunity because they believe in the dream that America painted for them. America is safety, a good life, a place where their kids can become somebody. Who wouldn’t want to run away from place they could be killed in? Kidnapped? See their fathers killed in front of them? Would you wait? Stay?


I’m not endorsing people to cross the border illegally, but I am saying that these people need help and when they are given help, it should be in the most humane way.


Journey is usually a word that people use to describe adventure, but in my film the word journey means sacrifice. The people who journey to the United States on foot sacrifice everything, for their dreams of safety, opportunity, and America.



Como inmigrante en los Estados Unidos, sientes que el tiempo se acaba. Vine por un tiempo determinado y ese tiempo me empuja hacia adelante. Vine a los Estados Unidos con un sueño y ese sueño tenía una fecha límite. Eso es lo que me impulsa a tener el mejor conocimiento, experiencia y rodearme de un equipo profesional, aclamado y motivado para dar a esta película todo lo que tienen.


Sabía que venir aquí sería difícil y que podría perder gente porque estaría lejos de casa y no podría regresar mientras trabajaba aquí. Hice sacrificios para mantener este sueño, para hacer de Estados Unidos mi hogar, para encontrar el mejor hombre que pueda ser. Itzel, el personaje principal, es un símbolo de los niños que se traen en este viaje; alimentada por la esperanza que sus padres les dan, al pintar una imagen del sueño americano en sus mentes. Es posible que no entiendan lo que les está sucediendo o que les espera en su viaje, pero continúan con la creencia de que la vida es buena y que los problemas se resolverán por sí mismos.


La Fernanda Azul también representa el trauma que viene al cruzar la frontera para un niño. Algunos los llaman malos padres, pero lo que no entienden es que estos padres están luchando por el futuro de sus hijos, al igual que mis padres lucharon por mi futuro.


La gente viene de pequeños pueblos donde no hay oportunidad porque creen en el sueño que América les pintó. Estados Unidos es seguridad, una buena vida, un lugar donde sus hijos pueden convertirse en alguien. ¿Quién no querría huir del lugar donde podrían matarlos? Secuestrado? ¿Ver a sus padres asesinados delante de ellos? ¿Esperarías? ¿Te quedarias?


No estoy respaldando a las personas para que crucen la frontera ilegalmente, pero estoy diciendo que estas personas necesitan ayuda y cuando se les brinda ayuda, debe ser de la manera más humana.


Travesia es generalmente una palabra que la gente usa para describir la aventura, pero en mi película la palabra travesia significa sacrificio. Las personas que emprenden el viaje a pie a los estados unidos sacrifican todo, por sus sueños; de seguridad, oportunidad y América.

Here Is Where the Money Will Go











Stretch Goals:

What we can accomplish if you help us pass our goal:

Lo que podemos lograr si nos ayudas a superar nuestro objetivo:



Use the WishList to Pledge cash and Loan items - or - Make a pledge by selecting an Incentive directly.

Cash Pledge

Costs $0

Travel and Lodging

Costs $8,000

The majority of filming will be happening outside of LA. We'll need RT flights and accommodations.

Camera Package for 2nd Unit

Costs $10,000

Equipment for establishing shots, travel shots. If you have something to contribute, let us know!

PAs / Readers

Costs $3,000

Donate your time! Readers and PAs needed! Come as a PA or a reader for one or a few sessions.

Casting Facilities

Costs $750

A good audition needs a studio with good lighting and a quiet setup. LA only, please!

Craft Services

Costs $2,000

Snacks and beverages for table reads, rehearsals, and filming. A well-fed cast is a happy cast.


Costs $1,250

Drone for filming action sequences.

About This Team

Jhosimar Vasquez - Director


Jhosimar Vasquez was born in Cusco, Peru. He was raised by his parents and four older brothers, moving from one country to the next, before arriving in Mexico City. Living in Mexico was a big change in Jhosimar's life. He was young, but instantly absorbed the new environment. He observed how culture and people were different from place to place, but also had similar desires and needs. He was amazed at the difference in lifestyles.

"The places and the people I've met have made me and shaped me to be the director that I am."

Jhosimar's goal when writing and directing films is to portray realistic, heartfelt characters in real-world scenarios. He focuses on expressing realism artistically and in a way that anyone can feel a connection to the film. 


Today Jhosimar lives in Los Angeles making films that tell the stories of people that live imperfect lives, lives that are as close to reality as his own personal story.




Kseniya Yorsh - Producer


Kseniya Yorsh is a Belarusian film producer who lives and works in Los Angeles. With expertise in story development, production, and distribution, her portfolio includes close to 30 films that have been distributed in the US, Latin America, and Europe. Seizing opportunities and bringing people and their unique talents and skillsets together to create strong pieces of content is her passion and her forte. 




Brandon Lee - Screenwriter


Brandon Lee is a screenwriter from Gold Coast, Australia - commonly referred to as the Hollywood of Australia. From a young age he’s been an avid writer, filling notebooks with stories and accompanying illustrations. His first screenwriting job was adapting Tony Smith’s memoir “Danielle’s Father” in 2008 and since then he has written several screenplays across all genres for a variety of markets. Always having a keen interest in politics and world news he felt especially suited to tackle the heavy subject and themes present in The Blue Fernanda. Crafting a fictional drama film that still maintains an air of reality to our current geo-political climate.




Egor Povolotskiy - Director of Photography


After receiving his Master’s degree at Moscow Engineering and Physics Institute and a subsequent Master’s at the New York Film Academy for Fine Arts in Cinematography, Egor has gone on to a laundry list of achievements and successes. He retains a gritty, raw and natural feel to his work, especially through his use of dreamy, world-motivated lighting. His latest work was a feature film ‘Rive Runs Red’ from director Wes Miller, starring Taye Diggs, John Cuasack, George Lopez and Luke Hemsworth.




Rebekah Bradbury Vasquez - Public Relations Director

Rebekah Bradbury is a writer and public relations specialist based in Los Angeles, CA. She graduated with a Bachelor's degree in liberal arts in political science, journalism, and English from San Diego State University. Her portfolio includes short stories, screenplays, business writing, and human interest articles. Growing up in Southern California, Rebekah saw a collision of pop culture and traditional values and the tension they created. She uses this tension in her work, which focus on psychology, natural phenomena, fantasy, and the darker side of human nature.  



Leah Cevoli - Crowdfunding Manager

Leah has a reputation for crowdfunding success and social media magic.  

On Seed & Spark: Leah has managed 9 successful campaigns, with a combined raise of $274,373, and an average raise of $30,485 per campaign, high above the overall platform results. To date, Cevoli has managed or co-managed 60+ successful campaigns, raising over 6 million dollars in funding, and has consulted on dozens of other successful campaigns across all major plaforms.  


To schedule your first session with Leah: 



Victor X - Publicity

Victor X host and producer of the show ''35 milimetros'' for more than twelve years, and has participated in the campaign of promotions of many Hollywood movies.

Current Team


