The Question

New York City, New York | Film Short

Comedy, Romantic Comedy

Rebbekah Vega-Romero

1 Campaigns | New York, United States

Green Light

This campaign raised $9,998 for production. Follow the filmmaker to receive future updates on this project.

128 supporters | followers

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Two biracial friends come together to discuss their dating lives & one thing becomes clear: dating while mixed isn't easy - but it is absurd. The best way to deal with micro-aggressions? Laugh about it. In this short comedic film, we will share the mixed-race perspective on modern dating.

About The Project

  • The Story
  • Wishlist
  • Updates
  • The Team
  • Community

Mission Statement

THE QUESTION is a story about biracial women told by biracial women. Our writer, actresses, director, and producer are all a mashup of at least two races/ethnicities. Through our majority WOC crew, we will capture the unique energy introduced when there is diversity in-front of and behind the lens.

The Story




This short film by and about mixed-race women is a buddy rom-com that everyone who has been on a date can relate to. Through the specific absurdities we face in navigating the dating scene, you will laugh and maybe understand more about life outside the census boxes. The themes of female friendship and embracing your multifaceted identity are important ones in times like these.


All of the stories told in this film are based on real events that have happened to members of our team. While we have dramatized these uncomfortable stories for comedic effect, they all have their basis in reality. 


(Some of our beautiful team, whose stories have inspired this film. From left to right: Kent Williams, Assistant Producer/Actor; Rebbekah Vega-Romero, Writer/Producer/Actress; Callie Jean Lewis, Actress; Naiyah Ambros, Director)




The seed for this short was planted when Callie Jean reached out to Rebbekah for a coffee date. They met up to talk about their frustrations with the limitations placed on them as mixed-race women in the acting world...but found they kept talking about boys instead! Rebbekah thought their crazy stories would make a great film, and decided to write it.


(An example of the bright, realistic style we will use for the friendship between our protagonists)


Our director, Naiyah, had an immediate connection to the material from her own experiences of Dating-While-Mixed, and wanted to embrace the surreal imagery in Rebbekah's script. By crafting distinct visual styles for the normal conversation between our two heroines and the off-kilter world of their dates, we will be able to bring you into our experiences of living in between the lines.


(An example of the dreamy, surreal vibes we will use to highlight how disorienting microaggressions can feel)





Why does this film matter? Well, mixed-race people are the fastest growing minority group in the United States. According to the Pew Research Insitute, "The number of mixed-race Americans is increasing three times faster than the population of the United States as a whole."



Despite the fact that we are the future of this country, we are sorely underrepresented in media. Even when we are represented, our stories are often told by monoracial artists, and reduced to caricatures like the tragic mulatto. A recent wide-reaching study on diversity in the performing arts that was widely cited in the entertainment community completely failed to account for mixed-race performers. 


We need authentic representation. Our stories need to be told. With Meghan Markle representing us in the royal family and Mixed-ish representing us on network tv, the time is NOW to share the nitty-gritty truth of what it means to be a young, mixed woman in America in 2020. 


(Little Rebbekah and her father, a Cuban exile, back in the '90s. There were no families like this one on stage or TV, or in films when our team was growing up. Let's change that for the next generation.)





So, you want to help raise our voices? Thank you! Seriously, your support means the world to us. There are three main ways you can aid us in getting this film made and shared with the world.


1) CONTRIBUTE - yes, money is king. We want to make the best film possible, and that means money for locations, equipment, cast, crew, and editing magic.

2) FOLLOW - on Seed & Spark, followers directly lead to additional support from this platform. That means the more people that follow our journey on here by signing up as a follower, the more perks we unlock to help us make this movie.

3) SHARE - the love! If you share our campaign on social media, our story will reach people we don't even know about. We guarantee you know a secret or not-so-secret mixed-race person who will be thrilled to see this on your timeline or instastories. 




...Why are you still scrolling, amor? Click above to follow and contribute! Y gracias a todos! 


Use the WishList to Pledge cash and Loan items - or - Make a pledge by selecting an Incentive directly.

Cash Pledge

Costs $0

Lazy Suzy Cafe

Costs $1,000

Our main location! A bright cafe in Bushwick, where our heroines live - small business #FTW!


Costs $875

As our script was written by a proud union girl, we want to pay our actors union wages!

Starr Bar

Costs $1,000

Our local watering hole will be used for 2 locations in the film! 2 for the price of 1 - a steal!

Crew Wages

Costs $4,000

The muscle behind the movie! We promise our crew won't be this white and male ;-)

Festival Submission

Costs $500

We want to spread our little wings and fly! Help us share this film with the world at festivals.


Costs $250

Nourish us so we have the strength to make our film!


Costs $1,000

We want our cast and crew protected! Help us out with insurance.


Costs $500

We are aiming to have our score composed fully by women, and want to pay our artists.

Launch and Premiere costs

Costs $500

Help us celebrate in style!

Additional Expenses

Costs $500

Things come up, and we want to be ready handle them.

About This Team

The seed for this short was planted when Callie reached out to Rebbekah for coffee date. They met up to talk about their frustrations with the limitations placed on them as mixed-race women in the acting world...but found they kept talking about boys instead! Rebbekah thought their crazy stories might make a great film, and decided to write it. When they decided to move forward with the project, they were determined to tell their story from their perspective, so Rebbekah reached out to the NYC Women's Filmmakers group to find like-minded mixed-race women Phoebe Garcia Pearl and Naiyah Ambros to join as producer and director.

Current Team


