The Last Earth Girl

Memphis, Tennessee | Film Feature

Drama, Sci-Fi

Jim Weter

1 Campaigns |

Green Light

This campaign raised $8,535 for post-production. Follow the filmmaker to receive future updates on this project.

46 supporters | followers

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Our film, "The Last Earth Girl", is 99% complete from shooting and editing, to post-production and music, and has a runtime of 93 mins. The only remaining elements needed to complete our film are a few shots that require complete visual effects, or CG, to create. Help us finish this amazing project!

About The Project

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Mission Statement

With a female lead in our film as well as several female main characters, we believe in equal opportunity regardless of gender. This is the same behind the camera as well, where regardless of age, race, gender, or religion, we're all working together to create a great film!

The Story

The Last Earth Girl

 Told from the point of view of a young woman hurdling away from the Earth in a small space capsule, The Last Earth Girl tells the story of one person's journey when it is announced that the world will end in seven years. Miriam, a young college student, is caught off guard along with the rest of the world, when what is first thought to be a rogue comet heading toward our sun is soon discovered to be an unknown mass that is predicted to detonate the Sun and destroy our solar system. As society breaks down and last ditch attempts to avert the disaster fail, Miriam decides that in order to find the answers she seeks, she must confront the apocalypse head on.


Opening Act

When we first meet Miriam, it is through the eye of a webcam in a small space capsule hurdling away from the Earth. From this point of view, we travel back and forth through time and the years of Miriam's life to learn who she is, why the world is ending, and why she is alone in a small ship headed far away from the Earth.


With the world ending and everything she knows crumbling down around her. Miriam questions her own values, her religion, and who she really is. This leads Miriam to ask herself what she really wants in life, and what she is willing to do to accomplish her goals.


Along the way we see key moments in Miriams life and the choices that lead her to seek her answers among the stars. We also meet many of the people who will help and support her along the way and see how other people choose to deal with the end of the world.



Use the WishList to Pledge cash and Loan items - or - Make a pledge by selecting an Incentive directly.

Cash Pledge

Costs $0

Visual FX Creation

Costs $9,000

Our film is 99% complete with just the VFX shots remaining. Help us complete this amazing film!

About This Team

My name is Jim Weter and I'm an independent filmmaker from Memphis, TN. Together with a lot of VERY talented people from our local area here, we have been creating great films here for several years now. I love almost every aspect of filmmaking from concept creation and initial screenwriting, to casting and rehearsing with actors, to shooting and set-construction, to post-produciton and music. But what I love the most about filmmaking is being able to connect with the audience and share experiences through stories. For me, filmmaking is about conveying emotion and passion honestly and in a way hits deep at the core of ourselves.


 Individually, most of us have been working in the industry for around 10 years or more, but about 8 years ago we got together, and began pooling our talents and creating films together as a team. Together, we have created several short and feature length films, with the most ambitious being our latest project "The Last Earth Girl".


Kari Fleskes is a true artist. She harbors a soothing voice and songwriting skills, paints and sketches with extreme detail, and had makes and sells her own jewelry, which is regularly displayed by models during runway fashion shows. New to acting, Kari proved her talent both during the audition and on set with natural, convincing portrayals of her character and a wide range of emotion. Ever wanting to take on more and more ambitious challenges, the future is bright for Kari.


Mark Pergolizzi began acting in Memphis in 1985 in the Theatre Memphis production of MacBeth. Other favorite roles include Alvaro in The Rose Tattoo (Circuit Playhouse), Goldberg in The Birthday Party (Circuit Playhouse), Iachimo in Cymbeline (McCoy Theatre), Howard Wagner in Death of a Salesman (Playhouse on the Square), Estragon in Waiting for Godot (TheatreWorks), Don in Sleeping With the Fish (Emerald Theatre/TheatreWorks and most recently, Ernst Janning in Judgment at Nuremberg (CentreStage/TheatreWorks). In addition to theater experience, Mark is an accomplished film actor beginning in 2003 and has worked on several short and feature films.


Duane P. Craig started off in film as a screenwriter and practical special FX artist. He has written many short and feature length films for filmmakers both locally and nationally and regularly contracts out when visiting films need special FX help. Duane debuted as an actor in AS:VS Back in Business with what was initially a bit part. But when it was discovered that he had a talent in front of the camera as well, his role was rewritten into one of the main characters of the film. Duane then took on the much more serious role of O’Reilly in The Last Earth Girl, further proving his talent as an actor.


Stuart Creque has written fourteen feature screenplays and more than thirty short scripts. His screenplays have won various screenwriting competitions including The Indie Gathering, Gloria Film Festival, Bare Bones Independent Film Festival, and Cinema City International Film Festival.
His short script “AUTONOMY” was produced by Silver Penny Productions as a result of winning the An Abbreviated Screenplay Contest. He produced his own short script HE KNOWS with the Scary Cow film collective in San Francisco;  it premiered at the Scary Cow Film Festival in March 2014 and showed at The Indie Gathering Film Festival and the Action On Film Festival.  He's currently directing his own short script MEMENTO MORI with Scary Cow.


Monica Summerfield has worked both in front of and behind the camera for films here in the mid-south for the past 15 years. She has produced movies, videos, art shows, fund raising events for artist (FABA), worked as a line producer, First AD, Second AD, art department, some special fx make-up, location manager, PA, and craft services. She offers logistical services, props, location scouting, casting, script break down, & PR services. She have acted, was in the U of M fine arts department for 8 years, & played bass for the band Falling For Grey. She support artist of all mediums and love to help where she can.

Current Team


