Whispers in the Wind

Baltimore, Maryland | Film Short

Drama, Family

Green Light

This campaign raised $4,912 for pre-production. Follow the filmmaker to receive future updates on this project.

45 supporters | followers

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Grief is a universal experience that everyone, no matter what the age, goes through. So many stories focus on the grieving process from an adults point of view, but Whispers in the Wind is different. In this story, the audience follows 8 year old Aleyah as she copes with her own form of grief.

About The Project

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Mission Statement

Whispers in the Wind tells an uplifting story about grief, healing, and the unbreakable bond between mother and daughter. The shared journey of fulfilling a lost loved one’s bucket list, shows that while loss can be overwhelming, it also opens the door to new connections and everlasting memories.

The Story

In the wake of her sister Mimi's death, young Aleyah clings to their shared bucket list, determined to honor her memory by completing it with her mother, Lisa. As they embark on this heartfelt journey, Lisa grapples with her own grief, striving to reconnect with Aleyah through their shared loss. Together, they discover that healing comes not from letting go, but from holding cherished memories close while embracing the possibility of new adventures.


16 years ago, the unthinkable happened to my family. My little brother passed away when he was only 2 months old. I was 5 at the time and although I didn’t quite understand death, the loss of my little brother had a monumental impact on me. 7 years ago my little sister was born. While writing this story, I couldn't help but think "how would my sister cope with her grief if one of her siblings were to ever pass away?" My little sister is so wise, silly, and empathetic. Her personality is a big contribution to the character of Aleyah, while Mimi's character resonates with how me and my older sister act towards her- caring, compassionate, and protective.

Why Now?

This story is so important to tell now because everyone has experienced loss, whether it's a sibling, child, parents, grandparent, friend or even a beloved pet. Every single loss we experience in our lives leaves us with a vacant hole we never know how to truly fill. Whispers in the Wind tells the story of just one of the ways we cope with grief.

I now am a senior in college and when faced with the question of what my senior capstone would be, I knew it had to be something I felt an immense connection to. Knowing that this was the story I wanted to tell was the easy part, writing it proved to be incredibly difficult. Just when you think you have processed the loss of loved ones and are "okay" something else comes up and all those emotions come rushing back.

For me, writing this story was incredibly difficult in the most beautiful ways. I got to work through so much of what I experienced when I was so young and understand loss on a much deeper level. While writing the story, I leaned heavily on the people around me who experienced this same thing, but again, in their unique ways.

What Your Support Does For Us

Supporting my short film, Whispers in the Wind, will help bring this beautiful project to life by providing the necessary funding to create a film with a just and equitable work environment as well. This story is clearly incredibly important to me, but so is the treatment of my cast and crew! Crowdfunding will go towards camera rentals, insurance, food, festivals, actor compensation, music composing, and more!



The look I'm going for in Whispers in the Wind is mostly closeups, a very shallow depth of field, and intentional wide shots. I enjoy being up close with the actors as if we're experiencing their emotions with them, rather than just watching.

Budget Breakdown

Our budget is broken down into 6 parts: Equipment Rental, Bond & Contingency, Insurance & Distribution, Post-Production, Production, and Above the Line pay. All of these pieces of the budget add up to Whispers in the Wind being a stellar project!

How to Help

Your support means the world to us! You can donate directly on seedandspark.com/fund/whispers-in-the-wind, venmo @Tina-Spurg, write a check made out to Kristina Spurgeon, or donate cash directly to me. If you aren't able to donate, please spread the word! Whether you support this project through donating or telling people about this film, we greatly appreciate it.

Feel free to copy this message down below:

Help filmmaker Kristina Spurgeon by supporting her senior capstone film, Whispers in the WindWhispers in the Wind is about an 8 year old girl, Aleyah, who loses her older sister, Mimi, and completes a bucket list the two had created together before her death in order to come to terms with the loss. Support them at seedandspark.com/fund/whispers-in-the-wind


Use the WishList to Pledge cash and Loan items - or - Make a pledge by selecting an Incentive directly.


Costs $875

We have an amazing cast that are coming from all over the country to create this project and this will help us pay our talent!

Equipment Rental

Costs $1,200

To provide a true cinematic experience, we need stellar cine lenses for all our days of shooting!

Food & Crafty

Costs $790

This will help us feed our cast and crew, we all need to eat!

Locations & Set Dressing

Costs $900

Help us pay for location expenses/fees along with creating a beautiful set!

Insurance, Permits, & Distribution

Costs $700

Permits and insurance will allow us to safely film on locations. The business side can be tedious, but it's extremely important!

Post-Production & Music

Costs $730

This is to help pay our composer, any extra editing fees for animation programs, and processing and developing Super8 film!

Bonds & Contingency

Costs $676

On any film set, there needs to be extra cash on hand that equals 10% of your budget for any emergencies. This is for exactly that!

Cash Pledge

Costs $0

About This Team

We have an incredible team working on Whispers in the Wind. We have recent graduates and current students who have worked together on numerous projects together and have quite a few projects under their belts which will help push Whispers in the Wind to be the best film it can be!

Writer, Director, Editor: Tina Spurgeon

Producer: Zach Garrigus

1st Assistant Director: Colleen Dinne

Director of Photography: Zhanna Snyder

Production Designer: Kai Cady

Sound/ Boom Operator: Simon Wickwire

1st Assistant Camera: Hannah Sobieck

Gaffer: Samantha Giordano

Key Grip, Colorist: Ian Bair

Script Supervisor: Salome Ramirez

Composer: Nina Feliciano

Animator: Jake Spurgeon

Current Team


