What to watch: June new releasesJuly 5, 2017
Arts and Crafts (2015)
A young boy decides to do whatever he needs to do to get his mother to come back from the dead. Things she'd like, as well as things... not so much.
Hotel Congress (2014)
Two people, two separate relationships, one rendezvous in the desert to test their faithfulness to their partners. This should go well.
Saving Unicorns (2015)
Yes, Sady is a grown-ass woman, but she also happens to still take advice from her childhood imaginary friend, a foul-mouthed, hard-drinking unicorn. Don't judge.
Small Talk (2014)
A phone sex worker starts getting headaches, then her most obnoxious clients start dying. Coincidence or karma?
Matter of Black (2017)
Two friends on a road trip watch yet another unarmed black man killed by policeman via social media, sparking a lyrical conversation about race, injustice, and hope. Unlike anything you've ever seen.
Yes, And (2015)
A down-on-his-luck actor finally strikes gold when he meets the love of his love...just as she's preparing to leave town forever. Raise your hand if you can relate to this? (Then, like, watch it tonight!)